More Amazing than Amazing!

Guru Padmasambhava (Lotus-Born) propagator of tantric Buddhism in Tibet. © Metropolitan Museum of Art

A Commentary on the Awakening of Mind

Verse 88

Those who understand this emptiness of phenomena

Yet conform to the law of karma and its results,

That is more amazing than amazing!

That is more wondrous than wondrous!

By Arya Nagarjuna

A Commentary on the Awakening Mind composed by the great master Arya Nagarjuna. It was translated and edited by the Indian abbot Gunakara and the translator Rapshi Shenyen, and was later revised by the Indian abbot Kanakavarma and the Tibetan translator Patsap Nyima Drak.

© English translation. Geshe Thupten Jinpa, 2006; revised 2007. This translation was prepared on the basis of reading the Tibetan root text against Smriti Jnanakirti’s commentary (Tengyur, Derge, rgyud ‘grel Ci, p.117a-142b) and Gomchen Ngawang Drakpa’s commentary entitled Jewel Garland (The Collected Works of Gomchen Ngawang Drakpa, vol.ka).

With thanks to

Guru Padmasambhava (Lotus-Born) propagator of tantric Buddhism in Tibet. © Metropolitan Museum of Art Image: This portrait of Guru Padmasambhava (Lotus-Born) is one of the earliest known effigies of the eighth-century Indian mystic, revered as the leading propagator of tantric Buddhism in Tibet.

Categories: Mahayana, Tibetan Buddhism

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