Understanding Karma and Rebirth by Diana St Ruth

Understanding Karma and Rebirth A Buddhist Perspective by Diana St Ruth

Understanding Karma and Rebirth

A Buddhist Perspective

by Diana St Ruth

ISBN 13: 978-0946672301
ISBN 10: 094667230X

Buddhist Publishing Group
Published: 2008
Paperback, 216 pages.

£10.95 / $17.95

A look into the effects of karma, with meditations and exercises to help us go beyond the concepts of birth and death and to live from the unborn moment.

In Understanding Karma and Rebirth, Diana St Ruth goes beyond the concepts of birth and death. With compelling narrative, exercises, and meditations, she explores this Buddhist natural law of karma, offering us an understanding of how our karma is key to our behaviour and the way we operate in the world. The law of karma is the law of our selves, the law of our inner lives. This book is a key to understanding ourselves at the deepest level.

Buddhism is about becoming aware of what life actually is rather than being blinded by beliefs and conditioning. The Buddha saw life as a changing procession of conditions, events, and circumstances, one thing leading to another without beginning or end, timeless and limitless. And he recognised that the part of ourselves which is aware, which sees and knows, is never born and never dies. He spoke of a direct ‘seeing’ into the nature of existence beyond words, beyond the intellect. Understanding the cause and effect process – the nature of karma and rebirth – and what lies behind it is the underlying message of this book


Rebirth and reincarnation are generally accepted realities in the East and have been since ancient times. What the next life will be is usually the question rather than whether it will be. In the West, on the other hand, we have our own religious and secular beliefs which usually do not include living another life, or at least not in this world or in this way. A common idea amongst Westerners is that annihilation is an unavoidable fact: ‘When you’re dead you’re dead!’ But unless one wakes up to the truth of it — East or West — one is caught in cultural conditioning and personal beliefs.

Diana St Ruth


Diana St Ruth is the editor of Buddhism Now magazine and the co-director of the Buddhist Publishing Group in Totnes, Devon, England. She has written several books on Buddhism including Experience Beyond Thinking.

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